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The sleeping cinema is a film screening of first and second wave Surrealist film and cinema which actively encourages the viewers lapse into sleep. Featuring the work of both recognized Surrealists and their successors, the screening moves from the early experimental shorts, that first characterized a Surrealist approach to film through to the more narrative cinema which typify the Surrealists in exile. The screening touches finally on two divergent routs, on the one hand the eventual absurd Hollywoodization of Surrealist in the late 40s and on the other the reinvigoration of the style in the works of the Letterist.
Films include those of Jean Cocteau, Man Ray, Germaine Dulac, Luis Burnel, and Marc O.
For the twelve hour(6hrsx2)duration of the event, films will be projected onto a large screen at one end of the room which will be placed at an angle on the ceiling to allow its horizontal viewing. The floor will be covered with a grid of fitted mattresses, and the interval between the films marked by short self filmed interludes.
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