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Sabe Lewellyn: How Curious! How real!

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How Curious! How real!

Sabe Lewellyn

March 17th – 1st of April

For his first solo exhibition in Glasgow, American conceptual artist Sabe Lewellyn presents a new body of work that considers the psychology of the body and questions the possibilities and limitations of figuration. Lewellyn’s complex yet playful practice is characterised by allusion, where focal points are teasingly hidden and meaning is subtly implied. The exhibition plays with visual imaginaries, exploring human desire and the promise of utopia through simplicity and poetic. Stimulated by existential queries and investigations into what-ifs, each one of his artworks acts as a vessel to tell a new story, collectively fitting into an overarching narrative where fictions and realities collide. Bells, envelopes of wildflower seed for bumblebee habitat, perfume disposer, in constant motion combine to reflect the artist’s interest in the dialectics of self-awareness and the barriers to understanding.


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