Encounter no. 1
Sogol Mabadi and Emma Helen Reid The Pipe Factory, Ground Floor Gallery, Moncur St entrance (relocated from Intermedia, CCA)
Preview: Thursday 12 July, 7pm – 9pm, sponsored by Tyree Gin Exhibition open: Friday 13 July to Sunday 29 July, between Thursdays and Sundays, 12 – 6pm Performances: ‘I welcome this opportunity to get to know you, stranger’
Please see below for performance times and booking details.
‘Encounter no. 1’ is a joint endeavour by Sogol Mabadi and Emma Helen Reid and is intended to be the first of many collaborations.
Through sculpture, writing, performance, and video, Mabadi and Reid mobilise efforts to alert viewers and participants to the role of the body, including internal landscapes, in our digitised era.
Their new works consider the implications that digitisation and contemporary communication technologies have on the experience of being in your body and on the ways you encounter another.
Throughout ‘Encounter no. 1’, the central components of privacy – solitude, intimacy, anonymity, and reserve – resonate. Care is important. By “resuscitating the corporeal” in our new media environment they explore ways of experiencing being-there and being-with.
Out with exhibition opening times there will be a series of performances of Mabadi and Reid’s new collaborative work, I welcome this opportunity to get to know you, stranger.
Performances of ‘I welcome this opportunity to get to know you, stranger’ (booking essential) Friday 20 July, 11am Saturday 21 July, 11am Monday 23 July, 6pm
Performances last around 35 mins. There are four places available on each performance. To book a place, please speak to the artists while they invigilate the exhibition, or email encountercollab@gmail.com
With thanks to the team at CCA and The Pipe Factory. With special thanks to Katie Reid for holding critical conversations with us during the project’s development. Preview sponsored by Tyree Gin.
Accessibility notes: The exhibition is at The Pipe Factory in the Ground Floor Gallery. The entrance is on Moncur Street through double doors and is step-free, however there is a lip at the entrance doorway. The gallery has uneven flooring. There is a step, which is marked with hazard tape. There is a toilet located on the top floor of the building reached by stairs, there are no toilet facilities on the ground floor. The exhibition text and gallery map are available in large print from the invigilator. The work within the exhibition does not include flashing lights or loud noise. If you have any questions or would like further information please get in touch at: encountercollab@gmail.com