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The Weavers House
Opens 15th July 5pm-9pm

14 Jul 2023

The Weaver’s House is a group exhibition bringing together artists from Canada, the UK and France. The exhibition runs from the 15th - 20th July at French Street.

The artists were invited to participate and create works that are a product of a relationship between a side of the mind that is conscious and one that lies in muddied waters. There is a sensitivity to the natural world, playfulness mixed with fear where shadows are woven through memory. The artists work with references ranging from video games played in their youth to gothic literature and memories that lay in the dark corners of curiosity.

Industrious making ties the works together through the use of materials found and delicately pieced together set within the backdrop of the old weaving factory at Strange Field. This space allows the work to live in a fictional zone. Metal prongs go before to sense the void, and name its happenstance — growing forward it forgets its immediate past bringing the viewer into the haze of imagination.

- Anjali Kasturi

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