23 Dec 2021
The Pipe Factory and Strange Field websites are now live!
In 2020, along with Articulate Cultural Trust and Inch Architecture + Design, we founded Friends of The Pipe Factory CIC. In 2021, with the help of Nesta’s Art and Culture Impact Fund, the Friends purchased the Pipe Factory building as a community resource. The Friends are now working towards a full renovation of the beautiful 19th century clay smoking pipe factory, their ambition to create a fully accessibility cultural hub rooted within Calton and the Barras. They envisage a dynamic building and programme that will generate opportunities for young people, local and creative communities through arts, heritage, architecture and design.
In order to create a distinction between the building we have called home for the last decade, the new CIC, and our own organisation, we have changed our name from The Pipe Factory to Strange Field.
Strange Field were really excited to work with Raissa Pardini in developing their new logo. You can find more info about Raissa's work here: https://raissapardini.com/wide.