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The Pipe Factory and SIGOHA present – Glasgow Anew: Untold Stories and Transnational Perspecti

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The Pipe Factory, 42 Bain St 11th -26th of June

Exhibition open 12-6pm, Tuesday – Sunday

Preview: Saturday 11th June 8pm – late

The Pipe Factory and Settled in Glasgow Oral History Archive present Glasgow Anew: Untold Stories and Transnational Perspectives, as a part of Refugee Festival Scotland.

Settled in Glasgow Oral History Archive is an ongoing oral history archive that seeks to democratise history: to give normal people the opportunity to tell their own story and influence how history will represent them. SIGOHA promotes the voices of Glaswegians that are often left out of official accounts. Through exploring issues of nationality, identity, prejudice and what it takes to call somewhere ‘home’, SIGOHA hopes to construct an alternative history of the city.

Curated by Jessie Lawson and Alasdair Campbell, this exhibition will be the first time these stories are shared in a public setting in Glasgow. Participants were also invited to contribute personal objects which they felt would illuminate important aspects of their lives. Ranging from sand from Robben Island to asylum documents these material ‘things’ serve as props, providing tangible evidence for these subjective experiences recounted from memory.


The exhibition space itself has been re-imagined as an open platform for a series of site-specific events, offered to the participants of the archive to programme their own personal projects:

11th June, 8pmExhibition Launch: we will be celebrating with food, drinks and music, all welcome! Music from MLW [Sheikh // Philanthrobeats]

17th June, 7pm – Our Stories: a documentary series created and directed by Gameli Tordzro from SIGOHA. It uncovers untold stories of struggle, fear, aspiration and success of immigrants from African communities living in Glasgow. Clare Robertson shares her music and memories of her early days as a child and young musician. Gameli and Clare will host a Q&A session after the film, followed by a collaborative musical performance.

18th June, 6pm – Being Roma in Glasgow: an event by Friends of Romano Lav: a charity challenging discrimination and promoting equality for the Roma people in Scotland. Juliana from SIGOHA will be hosting a film screening on the Roma experience, followed by a talk and discussion with a panel of Roma communities.

19th June, 2-3pm – Mindful Afternoon with Tea: Sunny from SIGOHA brings you an afternoon of Mindfulness and tea. Whether you have never heard of Mindfulness or you are a seasoned pro, Sunny will guide you for a relaxed afternoon of meditation using tea as a unifying factor for all.

Event is free but please email to book a place

21st June, 7pm – Discussion on Detention Centres: Pinar Aksu, who was detained with her family at the age of 15, will lead a discussion on the current asylum system and refugee crises, including the Standoff Films documentary, “Working Illegally”, looking behind the closed walls and barbed wire of UK border enforcement to expose the reality of immigration detention.


Leylines present three events at The Pipe Factory as part of Glasgow Anew –

Leylines is a cross cultural theatre company bringing to the stage stories of home, homelessness and being caught between languages and cultures.

22nd June, 7.30pm – The Giant and Her Daughter: a special one off performance which ‘follows the journeys of the women in Vasso’s family. Reaching across time and borders, they must find out how much they can overcome. I am blessed by my mother’s misery, and she is blessed by her mother. Sometimes, I am the Giant and she is the Daughter.’

The performance will be followed by a post-show discussion on the themes of the play and sharing stories of home and homelessness.

Tickets £5/£3, available from

23rd June, 10am-3pm – Telling the untold, sharing your story, a workshop: join the Leylines team for a full day workshop, as we explore the telling of stories from near and far, and the most courageous and generous act of all: Telling one’s own story, and asking that story how it wants to be told.

The workshop is free to attend and open to all levels of experience and ability. Email: to book a place.

24th June, 6pm – Leynight: Calling a new land home: You are all warmly invited to join us for an evening of sharing and connection under the banner of “Calling a New Land Home”. Come along to share your stories of home, journeys, and adapting to somewhere new through storytelling, music, a poem, a performance, a photograph, or anything else you might want to use. All contributions are welcome, and you are also certainly most welcome to just come along to listen and watch.

If you are interested in participating, drop us a line or two on We will be putting together a programme for the evening, but we will be leaving slots open for those who want to just turn up and share on the night as well.


All events over the course of Glasgow Anew are free, with the exception of the performance of The Giant and Her Daughter by Leylines theatre company (as detailed above.)

This exhibition and events are intended to encourage dialogue and the exchange of transnational perspectives, allowing the city to be experienced anew.

For more information please visit


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